DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show authen server_host
Key - Authentication key to be shared with a configured TACACS+
server only.
Parameters None.
Restrictions User Account Command Level – Administrator.
Example usage:
To view authentication server hosts currently set on the Switch:
DES-3526:admin#show authen server_host
Command: show authen server_host
IP Address Protocol Port Timeout Retransmit Key
--------- -------- ---- ------- --------------- TACACS
No Use
Total Entries : 1
create authen server_group
Purpose Used to create a user-defined authentication server group.
create authen server_group <string 15>
Description This command will create an authentication server group. A server
group is a technique used to group
TACACS/XTACACS/TACACS+/RADIUS server hosts into user
defined categories for authentication using method lists. The user
may add up to eight (8) authentication server hosts to this group
using the config authen server_group command.
<string 15> - Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters to
define the newly created server group.
Restrictions User Account Command Level – Administrator.
Example usage:
To create the server group “group_1”:
DES-3526:admin#create authen server_group group_1
Command: create authen server_group group_1
config authen server_group
Purpose Used to configure a user-defined authentication server group.
config authen server_group [tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius |
<string 15>] [add | delete] server_host <ipaddr> protocol [tacacs |
xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius]
Description This command will configure an authentication server group. A server
group is a technique used to group
TACACS/XTACACS/TACACS+/RADIUS server hosts into user defined