
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config bandwidth_control
above ports will be allowed to receive.
tx_rate Specifies that one of the parameters below (no_limit or
<value 1-1000>) will be applied to the rate at which the above
specified ports will be allowed to transmit packets.
no_limit Specifies that there will be no limit on the rate of
packets received by the above specified ports.
<value 1-1000> Specifies the packet limit, in Mbits, that the
above ports will be allowed to receive.
The transfer(tx) and receive(rx) rate of packets for Gigabit ports must
be configured in a multiple of 8 Mbits. (8, 16, 24…)
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure bandwidth control:
DES-3526:admin#config bandwidth_control 1-10
tx_rate 10
Command: config bandwidth_control 1-10 tx_rate 10
show bandwidth_control
Purpose Used to display the bandwidth control table.
show bandwidth_control {<portlist>}
The show bandwidth_control command displays the current
bandwidth control configuration on the Switch, on a port-by-port
<portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be viewed.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To display bandwidth control settings:
DES-3526:admin#show bandwidth_control 1-10
Command: show bandwidth_control 1-10
Bandwidth Control Table
Port RX Rate TX Rate Effective RX Effective TX
(Mbit/sec) (Mbit/sec) (Mbit/sec) (Mbit/sec)
------ ---------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------
1 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
2 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
3 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
4 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
5 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
6 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
7 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
8 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit