Message List
permission denied. Job cancellation was determined to be unau-
thorized after checking the user name and
host address (except for ROOT authorization).
phy release file open failed. A replacement network interface board is re-
quired. Contact your sales or service repre-
Print queue <print queue name> cannot be
serviced by printer 0, <print server name>
(In print server mode) The print queue name
cannot be serviced. Make sure that print
queue volume is on the specified file server.
Print server <print server name> has no printer.
(In print server mode) The printer is not as-
signed to the print server <print server
name>. Using NWadmin, assign the printer,
and then restart the printer device.
Print sessions full Cannot accept the print session.
Printer <printer name> has no queue. (In print server mode) The print queue is not
assigned to the printer. Using NWadmin, as-
sign the print queue to the printer, and then
restart it.
pserver start. (NetWare) (In print server mode) NetWare service has
Required computer name (<Computer name>)
is duplicated name.
The same computer name is detected on the
network. The start job determines the compu-
ter name by adding it to the suffix (0,1....).
Configure a new computer name that is
Required file server (<file server name>) not
Cannot find the required file server.
restarted. LPD has started.
sap enable, saptype=<SAP type>, sap-
name=<SAP name>
The SAP function has started. The SAP (SAP
type and SAP name) packet is issued to adver-
tise the service on the NetWare server SAP ta-
session<community name> not defined. The requested community name is not de-
session_ipx<community name> not defined. The requested community name is not de-
Set context to <NDS context name> A <NDS context name> has been set.
shutdown signal received. network service re-
Rebooting the network service.
smbd start. (NetBEUI) An smbd (SMB (Server Message Block) serv-
ice) has started.
Snmp over ip is ready. Communication over TCP/IP via SNMP is
Snmp over IP over 1394 is ready. Communication over IP over 1394 via SNMP
is available.
Message Causes and solutions