
<Interface>: Subnet overlap. Subnet from Netmask and the IP address you
tried to set for <Interface> overlap the subnet
of another interface.
Set Subnet so it does not overlap with another
IPP cancel-job: permission denied. The printer could not authenticate the name of
the user attempting to cancel a job.
ipp disable. Printing with ipp is disabled.
ipp enable. Printing with ipp is enabled.
IPP job canceled. jobid=%d. The spooled job has been canceled due to er-
ror or user request.
job canceled. jobid=%d. The spooled job has been canceled due to er-
ror or user request.
LeaseTime=<lease time>(sec), Renew-
Time=<renew time>(sec).
The resource lease time received from the
DHCP server is <lease time> in seconds. The
renewal time is also <renew time> in seconds.
Login to fileserver <file server name>
(In print server mode) Logged on to the file
server with NDS or BINDERY mode.
multid start. Data transmission service for multiprotocols
has started.
Name registration failed. name=<NetBIOS
The printer could not register the name of
Name registration success in Broadcast
name=<NetBIOS name>
The NetBIOS name was successfully regis-
tered from a broadcast.
Name registration success. WINS Serv-
er=<WINS Server Address> NetBIOS
Name=<NetBIOS name>
The NetBIOS name was successfully regis-
tered to the WINS server.
nbstart start.(NetBEUI) The server for setting the NetBEUI protocol
stack has started.
nbtd start. nbtd (NetBIOS over TCP/IP Daemon) has
started. (Available only in DHCP mode)
NetBEUI Computer Name =<computer name> The NetBEUI Computer Name is defined as
<computer name>.
nmsd start. (NetBEUI) nmsd (Name Server Daemon) has started.
nprinter start. (NetWare) (In remote printer mode) NetWare service has
nwstart start. (NetWare) The service for NetWare protocol stack setting
has started.
Open log file <file name> (In print server mode) The specified log file
has been opened.
papd start. (Apple Talk) Apple Talk print service has started.
Message Causes and solutions