Description of the accessories
(page 2 - C )
C1� Measure
C2� Cleaning brush
C3� Descaler bottle
C4� Water softener filter (certain models only)
Description of lights
Light flashing: the machine is heating up
or a rinse cycle is underway�
The appliance is delivering two cups of
“Energy Saving” mode is active�
Light on steadily: the “steam” function
has been selected;
Light flashing: you must turn the steam
An alarm is displayed on the control
panel (see the section: “Explanation of
Light flashing: the water softener filter
must be replaced�
Light on steadily: the grounds container
is missing and must be inserted in the
Light flashing: the grounds container is
full and must be emptied�
Light on steadily: the water tank is mis-
Light flashing: there is not enough water
in the tank�
Light flashing: the appliance must be de-
scaled (see the section “Descaling”)�
Indicates the button to press to exit the
programming menu or selected fun-
Indicates the button to press to confirm
the function selected in the program-
ming menu�
Checking the appliance
After removing the packaging, make sure the
product is complete and undamaged and that all
accessories are present�
Do not use the appliance if it is visibly damaged�
Contact De’Longhi Customer Services�
Installing the appliance
When installing the appliance, respect the fol-
lowing safety warnings:
• Theappliancegivesoffheat.
After positioning the appliance on the
worktop, leave a space of at least 1,18 in/
3 cm between the surfaces of the appliance
and the side and rear walls and at least 5,9
in/ 15 cm above the coffee maker�
• Water penetrating the coffee maker could
cause damage�
Do not place the appliance near taps or sin-
• Theappliancecouldbedamagedifthewater
it contains freezes�
Do not install the appliance in a room where
the temperature could drop below freezing
• Arrangethepowercableinsuchawaythatit
cannot be damaged by sharp edges or con-
tact with hot surfaces (e�g� electric hot pla-
Connecting the appliance
Check that the mains power supply voltage cor-
responds to the value indicated on the rating pla-
te on the bottom of the appliance�
If the power socket does not match the plug on
the appliance, have the socket replaced with a
suitable type by a qualified professional�
Using the appliance for the first time
Please note!
• Coffeehasbeenusedtofactorytesttheap-
pliance and it is therefore completely normal
for there to be traces of coffee in the mill�
The machine is, however, guaranteed to be