Tips for a hotter coffee
commended to:
• rinsetheappliancethroughbypressingthe
button� Hot water flows out of the coffee
spouts and heats the internal circuit of the
machine so that the coffee delivered will be
• warmthecupswithhotwater(usingthehot
water function);
• selectthe“high”coffeetemperatureinthe
Making coffee using coffee beans
Do not use caramelized or candied coffee beans
as they could stick to the coffee mill and make it
1. Fillthecontainerwithcoffeebeans(g.13).
2. Placeunderthecoffeespouts:
- 1 cup if you want one coffee (fig� 10);
- 2 cups if you want 2 coffees�
3� Lower the spouts as near as possible to the
cup� This makes a creamier coffee (fig� 14)�
4. Pressthebuttoncorrespondingtothenum-
ber of coffees required (1 cup or 2
cups , figs� 11 and 15)�
5. Preparationbeginsandthelightscorrespon-
ding to the taste and quantity of coffee selec-
ted are displayed�
Once the coffee has been made, the appliance
prepares for use again�
Please note:
• Whilethecoffeemakerismakingcoffee,de-
livery can be interrupted at any moment by
pressing one of the two coffee buttons (
or )�
• At the end of delivery, to increase the quan-
tity of coffee in the cup, just press (within 3
seconds) one of the coffee buttons ( or
Please note:
Forhottercoffee,seethesection“Tips for a hot-
ter coffee”�
• Ifthecoffeeisdeliveredadropatatime,too
thin and not creamy enough or too cold, read
the tips in the “Troubleshooting” section on
page 21�
• Lights may be displayed on the control pa-
nel during use� Their meaning is given in the
section “Explanation of the lights” on page
Making coffee using pre-ground coffee
• Never add pre-ground
coffee when the machine
is off or it could spread
through the inside of the
machine and dirty it� This
could damage the ap-
• Neverusemorethan1levelmeasureorit
could dirty the inside of the coffee maker or
block the funnel�
Please note:
If you use pre-ground coffee, you can only make
one cup of coffee at a time�
1. Pressthe button repeatedly (fig� 9)
until the symbol appears�
2. Putonelevelmeasureofpre-groundcoffee
into the funnel (fig� 16)�
3. Placeacupunderthecoffeespouts.
4. Pressthe1cupcoffeebutton (fig� 11)�
5. Preparationbegins.
Important! Danger of burns
During preparation, steam is given off� Take care
to avoid scalds�
1� When making cappuccino, prepare the cof-
fee in a large cup;
2. Fillacontainerwithabout3.4oz/100gramsof
milk for each cappuccino to be made� In cho-
osing the size of the container, bear in mind
that the milk doubles or triples in volume�
Please note!
Foraricherdenserfroth, useskimmedor
partially skimmed milk at refrigerator tempe-