When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, inclu-
ding the following�
• Readallinstructionscarefully.
• Makesurethevoltageofyourelectricalsystemcorrespondstothevoltageshownonthe
bottom of the machine�
• Donottouchhotsurfaces.Usehandlesorknobs.
• Toprotectagainstre,electricalshockandpersonalinjury,donotimmersecord,plugor
appliance in water or other liquid�
• Keeptheapplianceoutofthereachofchildrenanddonotleaveapplianceunattended
while in operation�
• Unplugfromtheoutletwhennotinuseandbeforecleaning.
• Donotoperatewithadamagedcordorplug,oraftertheappliancemalfunctions,orhas
been damaged in any manner� Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service
facility for examination, repair or adjustment�
• Theuseofaccessoryattachmentsnotrecommendedbythemanufacturermayresultin
fire, electrical shock, or personal injury�
• Donotuseoutdoors.
• Makesurethepowercorddoesnothangovertheedgeofthetableorcounter-toptoavoid
getting accidentally caught or entangled�
• Donotplacetheapplianceoritselectricalpartsonornearelectricstoves,cookingsurfa-
ces, or gas burners�
• Plugcordintothewalloutlet.Todisconnect,rstturnmachine“off”,thenremoveplug
from wall outlet�
• Donotusetheapplianceforotherthantheintendeduse.Thisapplianceistobeutilized
for domestic use only� The manufacturer declines all responsibility for any damage caused
by improper, incorrect, or irresponsible use�
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not remove the cover or the exterior of the
unit. Don’t attempt to repair or modify the machine, doing so will void the warranty. Repair should
be done by authorized service personnel only!
A short power cord is provided to reduce risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping
over a longer cord�
- Longer, detachable power supply cords or extension cords are available and may be used if care is
exercised in their use�
- If an extension cord is used, the marked electrical rating should be at least as great as the electrical
rating of the appliance� If the appliance is provided with 3- wire, grounding type cord, the extension
not drape over the counter-top or table top where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over�
- Yourproductisequippedwithapolarizedalternatingcurrentlineplug(aplughavingoneblade
wider than the other)� This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way� This is a safety feature�
If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug� If the plug should still
fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet� Do not defeat the safety purpose
of the polarized plug�