Operating System Compatibility
Your Dell™ Smart Printer | S2810dn is compatible with Microsoft
Windows Server
2003, Windows Server 2003
x64 Edition, Windows Server
2008, Windows Server
2008 64-bit Edition, Windows Server
2008 R2, Windows
, Windows Vista
64-bit Edition, Windows
7, Windows
7 64-bit Edition, Windows
8, Windows
8 64-
bit Edition, Windows Server
2012, Windows
8.1, Windows
8.1 64-bit Edition, Windows Server
2012 R2,
RT, Windows
RT 8.1, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.6, OS X 10.7, OS X 10.8, OS X 10.9, OS X 10.10,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Desktop (32/64bit), SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (32/64bit), and Ubuntu 12.04
LTS (32/64bit).
Power Supply
This condition is equivalent to Network standby mode, the power consumption in this condition is that all wired
network ports are connected and all wireless network ports are activated.
Height: 273 mm (10.75 inches) Width: 410 mm (16.14 inches) Depth: 438 mm (17.24 inches)
Weight (including toner cartridge and drum cartridge): 12.3 kg (27.12 lb)
Rated voltage 220 VAC - 240 VAC 110 VAC - 127 VAC
Frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Current 6 A or less 11 A or less
Power Consumption 220 - 240 VAC 110 - 127 VAC
Ready 44.0 W 44.0 W
Sleep 7.0 W 7.0 W
Deep Sleep 1.2 W* 1.2 W
Offline 0 W 0 W
1 GB