
Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
E-Mail Server
To configure detailed settings of E-Mail Server and E-Mail Alert. This page can also be displayed by clicking the
E-Mail Server Settings Overview in the left frame.
Va lues:
E-Mail Server Settings Primary SMTP Gateway Sets the primary SMTP gateway.
SMTP Port Number Sets the SMTP port number. This must be between 1 and 65535.
E-Mail Send
Sets the authentication method for outgoing e-mail.
SMTP Login User Sets the SMTP login user. Up to 63 alphanumeric characters, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and at symbols (@) can be used. If specifying more
than one address, separate them using commas.
SMTP Login Password Sets the SMTP account password using up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter SMTP Login
Confirms the set SMTP account password.
POP3 Server Address
Sets the POP3 server address in IP address format of "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" or
as a DNS host name using up to 63 characters.
POP3 Port Number
Sets the POP3 server port number. This must be between 1 and 65535.
POP User Name
Sets the POP3 account user name. Up to 63 alphanumeric characters,
periods, hyphens, underscores, and at symbols (@) can be used. If
specifying more than one address, separate them using commas.
POP User Password
Sets the POP3 account password using up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter POP User
Confirms the set password.
Reply Address Designates the reply e-mail address sent with each E-mail Alert.
SMTP Server
Displays the status of the SMTP server connection.
E-Mail Alert Settings E-Mail List 1 Sets acceptable e-mail addresses for the E-
Mail Alert feature using up to 255
alphanumeric characters.
Select Alerts for List 1 Supplies Alerts Select the check box to receive an E-Mail
Alert for consumables.
Paper Handling Alerts Select the check box to receive an E-Mail
Alert for paper handling.
Service Call Select the check box to receive an E-Mail
Alert for Service Calls.
E-Mail List 2 Sets acceptable e-mail addresses for the E-
Mail Alert feature using up to 255
alphanumeric characters.
Select Alerts for List 2 Supplies Alerts Select the check box to receive an E-Mail
Alert for consumables.
Paper Handling Alerts Select the check box to receive an E-Mail
Alert for paper handling.
Service Call Select the check box to receive an E-Mail
Alert for Service Calls.
This item is available only when POP before SMTP (Plain) or POP before SMTP (APOP) for E-Mail Send Authentication is selected.