Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
If IPsec is enabled with incorrect settings, you must disable it using the IPsec menu on the operator panel.
To specify the settings for IEEE 802.1x authentication for encrypted communication to the printer.
Va lues:
IP Filter (IPv4)
To specify the IP address and subnet mask to be permitted or denied access to the printer.
Va lues:
To configure the IP Filter feature, enter an IP address to be filtered in the Address field and the subnet mask in the
Address Mask field. Enter a numeric value between 0 and 255 in each field. "*" is appended to the current value.
Re-enter Pre-Shared Key Enters the shared key again to confirm it.
IKE SA Lifetime Sets the lifetime for IKE SA from 5 to 28,800 minutes.
IPsec SA Lifetime Sets the lifetime for IPsec SA from 5 to 2,880 minutes.
DH Group Sets the DH group.
PFS Select the check box to enable the PFS setting.
Remote peers IPv4 address Sets the IP address to connect to.
Remote peers IPv6 address Sets the IP address to connect to.
Non IPsec communication
Allows communication with a device which does not support IPsec.
Configure 802.1x Enable IEEE 802.1x Select the check box to enable IEEE 802.1x authentication.
Authentication Method EAP-MD5 Selects the authentication method to use for IEEE
802.1x authentication.
Login Name: (Device
Sets the login name (device name) for IEEE 802.1x authentication using
up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
Password Sets the login password for IEEE 802.1x authentication using up to 128
alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter Password Confirms the set login password.
Access List Address Sets the IP addresses that are permitted or denied access to the printer. Enter a
numeric value between 0 and 255 in each field.
Address Mask Sets the subnet mask that are permitted or denied access to the printer. Enter a
numeric value between 0 and 255 in each field.
Active Mode Reject Rejects printing from specified network address.
Accept Permits printing from specified network address.
Off Disables the IP Filter feature for the specified IP address.