The create asyncRemoteReplicationGroup command creates a new, empty remote replication
group on both the local storage array and the remote storage array. Each replicated pair you add to the
remote replication group share the same synchronization settings, primary and secondary role, and write
This command must be run on the local storage array. Remote replication group creation is initiated from
the storage array that contains the virtual disks that hold the primary role in the replicate relationship. The
following command create a replication group names RRG-001 on a remote iSCSI storage array named
Remote_SS_A101. The remote storage array has a password of 123Dell321 (remotePassword=). A
warning will be triggered when the capacity of a replication repository virtual disk reaches 75 percent of
capacity (warningThresholdPercent=).
create asyncRemoteReplicationGroup userLabel="RRG-001"
remoteStorageArrayName="Remote_SS_A101" interfaceType=iSCSI
remotePassword="123Dell321" warningThresholdPercent=75;
Adding Primary Virtual Disk To Remote Replication Group
The add virtualDisk command adds a primary virtual disk to a remote replication group. This
command is valid only on the local storage array that contains the remote replication group to which you
want to add the primary virtual disk. To add the secondary virtual disk on the remote storage array to the
remote replication group, use the
establish asyncRemoteReplication virtualDisk command.
You have two options for specifying a repository virtual disk when using this command: you can either
specify an existing repository virtual disk or create a new one when running the command.
To add a virtual disk named employeeBackfilData to the Remote_SS_A101 group you created using an
existing repository virtual disk named rep_VD_404:
add virtualDisk="employeeBackfilData"
To add the same virtual disk to the same replication, but create a new 10GB repository virtual disk from
an existing disk group named DG_09:
add virtualDisk="employeeBackfilData"
repositoryVirtualDisk=DG_09 capacity=10GB;
You can substitute a disk pool name for the disk group name, if creating the repository virtual disk from
disk pool space.
Changing Remote Replication Group Settings
The set asyncRemoteReplicationGroup command lets you change settings for an existing
replication group.
The following parameters set synchronization and warning threshold values for the replication group.
Changing the synchronization settings affects the synchronization operations of all replicated pairs within
the remote replication group.
• syncInterval
• warningSyncThreshold
• warningRecoveryThreshold