group command to specify the identity of the remote storage array that contains the virtual disks that
hold the secondary role in the replicate relationship.
create asyncRemoteReplicationGroup userLabel="asyncRemoteReplicationGroupName"
storageArrayName" | remoteStorageArrayWwn="wwID")
interfaceType=(FC | iSCSI)
integer (minutes | hours | days)
warningSyncThreshold=integer (minutes | hours | days)
warningRecoveryThreshold=integer (minutes | hours | days)
autoResync=(TRUE | FALSE)]
Parameter Description
The name of the new remote replication group
that you want to create. Enclose the new remote
replication group name in double quotation marks
(" ").
The name must be unique on the local and remote
storage arrays.
The name for the remote storage array on which
you are replicating the remote replication group.
Enclose the storage array name in double
quotation marks (" ").
The remote storage array must have the same
connection type as the local storage array.
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the remote
storage array on which you are replicating the
remote replication group. You can use the WWID
instead of the storage array name to identify the
storage array. Enclose the WWID in angle brackets
(< >).
The remote storage array must have the same
connection type as the local storage array.
Specify which connection type to use: either Fibre
Channel fabric or iSCSI interface. (The default is
Fibre Channel.) The local storage array and the
remote storage array must be connected through
a proper Fibre Channel fabric or iSCSI interface.
The password for the remote storage array. Use
this parameter when the remote storage array is
password protected. Enclose the password in
double quotation marks (" ").