Parameter Description
prevent saving the global settings, set this
parameter to FALSE. The default value is TRUE.
Saves the virtual disk configuration settings and all
of the global settings to the file. To save the virtual
disk configuration and global settings, set this
parameter to TRUE. To prevent saving the virtual
disk configuration and global settings, set this
parameter to FALSE. The default value is TRUE.
Saves the host topology to the file. To save the
host topology, set this parameter to TRUE. To
prevent saving the host topology, set this
parameter to FALSE. The default value is FALSE.
Saves the LUN mapping to the file. To save the
LUN mapping, set this parameter to TRUE. To
prevent saving the LUN mapping, set this
parameter to FALSE. The default value is FALSE.
NOTE: When you use this command, you can specify any combination of the parameters for global
setting, virtual disk configuration setting, host topology, or LUN mapping. To enter all settings, use
the allConfig parameter. The parameters are optional; you do not have to enter any parameters.
Save Storage Array Core Dump
This command saves a core dump to a specified file on a host.
save storageArray coreDump file="filename"
Parameter Description
The file path and the file name to which you save
the core dump. Enclose the file name in double
quotation marks (" "). For example: file="C:
\Array Backups\DBMbackup_03302010.core"
Save Storage Array DBM Database
This command saves the database management (DBM) of the storage array.