y If your application program does not support the above compression
formats, you may be unable to open scanned image files. In this case,
disable [Compression] when scanning.
PDF setting Dialog Box
[Multi-pdf settings]
Select the method for saving PDF files when scanning multipage documents.
y Select [Single page] to save each page in its own PDF file.
y Select [Multi-page] to save all pages in one PDF file.
[Compression rate]
Select the compression rate for PDF files.
y Select [Normal] to save files with standard compression.
y Select [High Compression] to save files with high compression. Although
file size is reduced, image quality may be slightly degraded.
y Select [Character Precedence] to save files by compressing the file without
compressing the text to maintain the text's readability.
The Compression rate setting is enabled when the scanner is set to ‘256-level
Gray’ or ‘24-bit Color’. When [Black and White] or [Error Diffusion] is selected
from the Mode drop-down list, the file size depends on the content of the
scanned document.
[Language for OCR]
When the [Apply OCR] check box is selected, the target language for OCR can
be selected from the Language for OCR drop-down list.
Chinese OCR with the Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese setting requires a
Chinese language environment to display properly.
[Apply OCR] Check Box
Select this check box to enable recognition of the text within images and to save
the recognized text data with the image.
y Characters within document images are recognized as text and saved as
appended text data in PDF (*pdf) files.
JPEG File Setting Dialog Box
Select the balance between high compression and high quality. The files size
gets larger for a higher image quality because the compression ratio is lower.
The default setting is ‘Standard’.
y [High Quality]: Prioritizes the image quality over the compression ratio. The
compression ratio is 90.
y [Standard]: This is for standard compression. The compression ratio is 75.
y [High Compression]: Prioritizes the compression ratio over image quality.
The compression ratio is 10.
y [User]: Use to specify the compression ratio from 0 to 100 using the slide