- [Skip blank page]
As each document page is scanned, the scanner detects whether it is blank, and
if so, the image is not saved.
y Selecting [Skip blank page] enables the [Setting] button, which opens the
Blank Skip Setting dialog box.
y Adjust the Content density setting in the Blank Skip Setting dialog box if
blank pages are not skipped, or if non-blank pages are skipped.
y The Content density setting should be adjusted according to the document
content, so that only blank pages are skipped: increase the setting if they
are not skipped, and decrease the setting if non-blank pages are skipped.
y The Skip Blank Pages function may not work properly if the Custom setting
is enabled in the Gamma Settings dialog box.
y If a scanning side setting (simplex or duplex) is specified in the application
settings, select [Simplex].
- [Folio]
Documents that are normally folded in half are scanned on both sides and
composed into one image.
y You cannot select [Folio] if you click [Patchcode] from the Batch Separation
drop-down list in the [Others] tab.
This section describes the procedure for setting the scanner to detect slanted
document pages and straighten the scanned images.
Click the [Basic] tab in the Properties for Canon DR-3010C dialog box →
select the [Deskew] check box → click [OK].
Deskewing may not work properly, or cause part of the image to be lost, depending
on the document.
Correcting Image Skewing