This section provides an introduction to the BAM3201
330D. It includes illustrations and descriptions of the
important phone parts and instructions on getting your
phone powered up and ready to use.
.Front of the Phone{BAM330D)
* Caution
~ ~ Using the phone in proximity to receiving equipment
~" (i.e., TV or radio) ma
y cause interference.
~ Keep your phone in a safe place when not in use.
~' Use only the batteries, antennas, and chargers
" provided by LO. The warranty will not be applied to
, ~ ~ products provided by other suppliers.
~ Only autho~ personnel should serve the phone
~ and its accessories. Faulty installation or service may
result in accidents and consequently invalidate the
warranty .
[t] Do not hold the antenna while the phone is in use.
~ Do not use the phone in designated "no cellular
'I phones use" areas-
~ Do not expose it to high temperature or humidity.
3)1 Avoid wetting your phone with any liquids. If the phone gets
ii wet, tum the power off immediately .and remove the battery pack.
-Dry phone completely before replacmg battery pack on phone. If
-;lc- ,,~, the phone is inoperable, retum it to the dealer for service.
~ Avoid shock or impact on the phone
* BAM320D(bar type) has no flip switch.