10. The phone will display a mes-
sage asking whether or not to
keep the number secret. Select
"NO" or "YES" using [next]
11. Then press [ok]
.Dialing Numbers from your Phone Book
You can make a call from any memory location either by
speed dialing from the memory list or by pressing
@while viewing the full contents of the memory
* Editing a Stqred Memory Location
I. Retrieve ~d view the memory W-..1
I .j. d .T 81 ijJ b
ocatIon ioU want to e It. lOOK UP
Follow the Isteps for "Retrieving location ??
Numbers" <jJn page 28 to 30. (NRME/CRllS)
2. Press [ed!t]. Then, only the
name and ~' umber will remain
~ .I ijJ ~
on the scre n "Secret" memo ry M~mory 83
locations c
J n not be edited. 282-818-4777
~ (edit/erase)
3. Press ~ to clear the number
to be edite .
I*=~ ijJ ~I 4. Enter new *umber(s). Mike
5. Press [o~] to store the new 282-888-7857
number in $ernory.
6. Edit the n e using~ @
~ ~ ijJ
and @ t erase the current 11ke
characters Enter new charac- 282-888-7854
ters using e keypad. [ok) [K-H)
7. Press [0 ]. Then, you'll be 'f.1 ijJ
asked wh ther or not to store Michael
the numb r into the original 282-888-7854
memory I ation. (ok) [K-H)
8. Press [0 ] to overwrite the
[original m mory location. Or,
enter the n w two-digit memo-
ry location number.
9. Press [ok] again to confirm the
overwrite r [next] to go back
rto the prev ous screen.
Press e to cancel.
* One- Touch Dialing
One-touch dialing is a convenient feature which
enables you to dial frequently used numbers in your
personal phone book through a single key press (for
memory locations 1 through 9).
Press and hold a key (I through 9) corresponding to
the appropriate memory location for a few seconds.
'7 ,
Hdl ~ ~'
location ??
original = 81
[olcl [neHt]
* Two- Touch Dialing (Speed Dialing)
This dialing feature enables you to dial numbers in
your phone book through two key presses (for loca-
tions 10 to 99).
r dl 00 ~
,-[ok:) [neHt)
Press the first digit
2. Press and hold the key for the second digit.