non-home system.
2. Set NAM
Select the phone's NAM(Number Assignment
Module) if the phone is registered with multiple
service providers.
3. Auto NAM
Allows the phone to automatically switch to one of
the programmed NAMs if it is operating in the
corresponding service provider area.
4. Force Mode
Will allow you make next call in analog mode. You have
10 minutes to place an analog call. When you finish the
call, the phone will come back to CDMA mode.
2. Ring Type
Select one of four ring types. (RING, VIBRATOR,
VIB + RING AND LAMP) using (i:]) I ~ or
press the right soft key under [next] on the screen.
(I) Ring
-Unit will ring at selected ring volume and tone.
(2) Vibrator
-Unit will not have audible ring tone, but will
vibrate during ring time.
(3) Vibrating
-Unit will ring and vibrate at same time.
(4) LAMP
-Lamp flashes in all ring selections but will this
selection the lamp will once flush. You can
simply toggle between vibrator and ring by
pressing and holding menu key.
* Menu 4 System
1. Select preferred setting, using ~ and e keys.
A or B only means that your phone will operate only
on system band A or B. (ER mode(ENHANCED
ROAMING) selection enables user to automa-
tically roam on predetermined systems selected by
home system operator.) Press (ok] to select. A then
B(B then A) means that the phone will attempt to
make a call to system A(system B) before trying to
make a call to system B(system A). Home only
means that the phone will operates only on your
home system. (your home system is displayed on
the screen.) Standard means that the phone will
attempt to make a call to home system before trying
* Menu 5 Alerts
1. Fade
Set an alert to infonn you when you lost a call or
lose the service.
2. Minute
Alert you every 10 seconds before the end of every
minute during a call.
3. Service
Alert you when entering/changing service (COMA/
ANALOG, A/B, etc.) changes.
4. Call fail
Alert you when you fail to place a call.
* Menu 6 Call Info
I. Last Call
Displays the duration of last call in minutes and