DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 9
Getting Started with the Avaya R300 Remote Office Communicator
Issue 1
November 2000
Avaya R300 Administration
72Confirm IP assignment
2. Type the IP address of the gateway in the Gateway field. This should be set to the
default gateway for your subnet.
3. Press the Left Arrow key to exit the Static Rtes profile.
A confirmation menu appears.
4. Press 2 to save your changes.
5. Press the Left Arrow key twice to return to the Main Edit Menu.
Refer to the MAX 3000 Installation and Basic Configuration Guide, Chapter 4: “Preparing
to Configure the MAX,” for information on
■ Securing the Avaya R300 from unauthorized configuration changes
■ Setting Avaya R300 system options
Confirm IP assignment
After assigning an IP address, ping the gateway machine from the Avaya R300 to verify
the Avaya R300 network connection.
1. Ping from the terminal server window on the Avaya R300.
2. Type ping
and press Enter where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP
address of the gateway machine.
Ping the Avaya R300 from another system to make sure the IP assignment is correct.
1. Ping from a DOS or UNIX prompt.
2. Type ping
and press Enter where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP
address of the Avaya R300.
-------- MAX EDIT ------------
|EXIT? ?? | |10-100 1234567890 ??| |30-000 Line Stat |
|>0=ESC (Don’t exit) | | L1/RA nnnnnnnnnn | | 123456789012 A |
| 1=Exit and discard | | 12345678901234 | | ---..........- |
| 2=Exit and accept | | nnnnnnnnnnnnnn | | .............- |
| | |--------------------| |--------------------|
| | |10-200 1234567890 ??| |00-200 15:10:34 ??|
| | | L2/DS @@@@@@@@@@ | |>M31 Line Ch |
| | | 12345678901234 | | Ethernet up |
| | | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | | |
| | |--------------------| |--------------------|
| | |40-300 WAN Stat ??| |40-400 Ether Stat ??|
| | |>Rx Pkt: 118^| |>Rx Pkt: 3486092 |
| | | Tx Pkt: 511 | | Tx Pkt: 10056 |
| | | CRC: 0 | | Col: 3530 |
| | |--------------------| |--------------------|
| | |00-100 Sys Option | |40-100 Sessions ??|
| | |>Security Prof: 1 ^| |> 0 Active |
| | | Software +8.0.0+ | | |
| | | S/N: 9320027 v| | |
Press Ctrl-n to move cursor to the next menu item. Press return to select it.
Press Tab to move to another window --- thick border indicates active w