DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 9
Getting Started with the Avaya R300 Remote Office Communicator
Issue 1
November 2000
Avaya R300 Specifications and Network Design
14Setting up the Avaya R300
Setting up the Avaya R300
The following sections describe requirements and constraints that may affect the setup of
the Avaya R300 Remote Office Communicator.
DEFINITY Requirements
The main DEFINITY system may be a DEFINITY G3r, G3si, G3csi, DEFINITY One, or
IP 600. The main DEFINITY system must use DEFINITY Release 9 (R9) or newer
release software, and the Remote Office option enabled on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen. The DEFINITY cabinet housing the connection to the Avaya
R300 may be either a PPN (Processor Port Network) or an EPN (Expansion Port
In order for you to administer analog/digital stations and analog/digital trunks on the
Avaya R300, you must subscribe to the appropriate Right to Use (RTU) software for these
telephony features members.
Number of ports and Avaya R300 units
Table 2 describes the total number of ports and Avaya R300 units supported by
Table 2. Number of ports and Avaya R300 units
Description of Items G3r G3si G3csi
One/IP 600
Total stations (max) 5000 1000 400 200 total
Total trunks (max) 4000 400 400 200 total
Total Remote Office Ports supported
in all Remote Offices (administration
5000 1000 1000 1000
Maximum Number of Avaya R300
units supported
250 80 80 80
Maximum Number of Network
Regions Supported
250 80 80 16
Continued on next page