
Introduction System Specification
INDeX Contact Centre Modules Page 6
Installation & Maintenance 38HBK00001SCM - Issue 11 (05/01)
System Software
Windows NT Server: Version 4.0, Media: CD ROM
Windows NT Workstation: Version: 4.0, Media: CD ROM
Windows 95: Version: Latest, Media: CD ROM
Windows 98: Version: Latest, Media: CD ROM
Windows 2000: Version: Latest, Media: CD ROM
INDeX Application CD: Latest Version, Media: CD ROM, incorporating all
related INDeX CCM applications
INDeX Application Service Pack CD: Latest Version, Media: CD ROM,
Windows NT Server folder (containing Service Packs, ODBC Drivers and
SQL 7 Service Pack)
Windows NT Workstation folder (containing Service Packs ,ODBC Drivers)
INDeX Report Manager Database CD: Latest Version, Media: CD,
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Connecting the INDeX CCM Server
The instructions below assume that you are using cables plus line drivers supplied
by Avaya. You may also require additional serial cable for long cable distances.
1. Connect one end of the CABCON-9-25 cable to a free port on the INDeX control
cabinet (the cabinet containing the CPU Cassette).
You can use any of the 4 serial sockets on the cabinet. Avoid using the first
(front) socket if possible, as this is required for some INDeX Telephone
System maintenance tasks.
2. The diagram below shows the remaining connections.
Note the DTE and DCE settings of the line drivers.
You must connect CABWOC to serial port COM2 of the PC. If this is not a
9-pin port, you need a 9-pin male to 25-pin female serial converter.
If the cable distances are short, you may connect CABWOC directly to
The Comms Port default settings on the Access Manager is Port 2. If you use a different
Comms Port, you must also change the Access Manager Comms Port Settings.