Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 30-15
copy <filename_opt_path> tftp
Command Mode Privileged.
Description Uploads a specified file in NVRAM to a specified TFTP server.
Syntax copy <filename_opt_path> tftp <ip-addr>
Sample Output The following example shows the copy <filename_opt_path> tftp <ip-
addr> command.
# copy jadams/test.txt tftp
Copied file ’test.txt’ to file ’jadams/test.txt’ on
TFTP server
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 30-12. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<filename_opt_path> The name of the file in NVRAM. It must be an ASCII
script file, with a 1-8 letter base filename, and file
extension of ".txt"
<ip-addr> The IP address of the TFTP server