General Operation
Symptom Possible Cause Action
After upgrading
firmware, the KL9108
/ KL9116 still appears
to be using the old
firmware version.
Your Internet browser is
displaying cached
Webpages and has not
fetched new versions of
the KL9108 / KL9116
Delete all temporary Internet files
and cookies, close the Internet
browser, and then open a new
instance of the browser.
Problem Resolution
Erratic Operation Press and hold the Reset button (see page 9)
for longer than three seconds.
Mouse and/or keyboard not
responding due to improper mouse
and/or keyboard reset.
Unplug the cable(s) from the console port(s),
then plug it back in again.
Sudden loss of network connection
due to local reset of KL9108 / KL9116.
Close your KL9108 / KL9116 connection. Wait
approximately 30 seconds, and log in again.
Mouse Pointer Confusion If you find the display of two mouse pointers
(local and remote) to be confusing or
annoying, you can use the Toggle Mouse
Display function to shrink the non-functioning
pointer. See page 75 for details.
The OSD display is intermittent when
accessing an attached computer for
which the display refresh rate is set to
Press F6 to blank the background while using
the OSD.