
IPF-2000 User Manual
6. Press ENTER Router Press SPD/HOLD Blinking Cursor Input Default Gateway Information
(XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX) and the press ENTER.
5.1.3. PPPoE Setting
1. Connect the power adaptor of IPF-2000 and connect the PPPoE network to the IPF-2000 to its RJ-45 port.
2. Press1234# (Hold the “#” key) [Password] Press 1234 and then press ENTER Network Settings.
3. Press ENTER[iptype] press SPD/HOLD Blinking Cursor Press 1 and then press ENTER (1 sets
your networking settings PPPoE)
4. Press ENTER[pppid] Press SPD/HOLD Input PPPoE Account Number and press ENTER
5. Press ENTER[pppin] Press SPD/HOLD Input PPPoE Password and press ENTER Press ENTER
again to complete the configuration
Refer to the attached appendix when inputting special Symbols such as @, A, a, B, b, C
5.2. Protocol Settings
1. Press1234#( Hold the “#” key) [Password] Press 1234 and then press ENTER Network Settings
Press1234#( Hold the “#” key) [Password] Press 1234 and then press Enter Network Settings Press
Vol.- (volume decreasing button) [Protocol Setting]
2. Service
Press ENTER twice in the [protocol settings] prompt Service
z Press SPD/HOLD, “0” and then ENTER to disable service
z Press SPD/HOLD, “1” and then ENTER to enable service
3. Configure the proxy server registrar location of the IPF-2000.
Press ENTER 4 times in the [protocol settings] prompt [service address] Press SPD/HOLDEnter the
IP address of the registrar proxy server(XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX) and then press ENTER.
4. Enable STUN for NAT pass-through when using SIP protocol:
On prompt of [protocol settings] press ENTER 5 times [nat traversal] press SPD/HOLD press “4” to
enable STUN and then press ENTER press ENTER again [nat addr] press SPD/HOLD Input the IP
address of the STUN server(XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX) and then press ENTER.
5. If IPF-2000 needs to use Outbound Proxy:
On prompt of [protocol settings] press ENTER 5 times [nat traversal] press SPD/HOLD press “0”and
then ENTER to disable Nat Pass-through
Press ENTER again [nat addr] Press SPD/HOLD Input
the IP address of the Outbound Proxy Server(XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX) and then press ENTER
6. IPF-2000 Registration Type
On prompt of [Protocol Setting] press ENTER once Press VOL (the volume increasing button) 3
times [local type] Press SPD/HOLD