66 Matrix Modules Command Reference Chapter 4
[ROUTe:]OPEN? <channel_list> returns the current state of the channel(s)
queried. <channel_list> has the form (@ssrrcc) where ss = matrix module
card number (01-99), rr = matrix module row number, and cc = matrix
module column number. The command returns "1" if channel(s) are open or
returns "0" if channel(s) are closed.
Comments Query is Software Readback: ROUTe:OPEN? returns the current software
state of the channel(s) specified. It does not account for relay hardware
A maximum of 128 channels can be queried at one time: If you want to query
more than 128 channels, you must enter the query data in two separate
Example Querying Channel Open State
This example opens channels 10100 and 20013 of a two-module switchbox
and queries channel 20013 state. Since channel 20013 is programmed to
be open, "1" is returned.
! Open channels 10100 and 20013
! Query channel 20013 state
[ROUTe:]SCAN <channel_list> defines the channels to be scanned.
<channel_list> has the form (@ssrrcc) where cc = card number 01-99) and
nn = channel number (00-31).
Comments Defining Scan List: When ROUTe:SCAN is executed, the channel list is
checked for valid card and channel numbers. An error is generated for an
invalid channel list.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<channel_list> numeric E1465A
: rr: 00 - 15
cc: 00 - 15
: rr: 00 - 03
cc: 00 - 63
: rr: 00 - 07
cc: 00 - 31