
38 Using the Matrix Modules Chapter 3
Switching Channels
Use CLOSe <channel_list> to close one or more matrix module channels
and OPEN <channel_list> to open the channel(s). channel_list has the
form @ssrrcc where ss = card number (01-99), rr is the row number, and
cc = column number. See Table 3-3 for row and column definitions for the
To OPEN or CLOSe multiple channels, place a comma (,) between the
channel numbers. For example, to close channels 10103 and 10201,
execute CLOS (@10103,10201). To OPEN or CLOSe a continuous range
of channels, place a colon (:) between the first and last channel numbers.
Channels (BASIC)
This BASIC program shows one way to close and open row 2, column 14
on an E1466A matrix module (card #1). In the program, implied commands
are those that appear in square brackets ([ ]) in the command syntax. The
brackets are not part of the command and are not sent to the instrument.
For example, in the following program, ROUTe can be eliminated and
just the CLOSe or OPEN command can be used.
10 DISP "TEST E1465A Matrix"
20 OUTPUT 70915; "ROUT:CLOS (@10214)"
30 OUTPUT 70915; "ROUT:OPEN (@10214)"
40 END
Example: Channel
This example BASIC program sequences through each channel on an
E1466A 4x64 matrix module.
10 OUTPUT 70915;"*RST"
! Reset the module
20 FOR Row = 0 TO 3
! Loop to step through all
rows in the matrix
30 FOR Col = 0 TO 63
! Loop to step through all
columns in the matrix
40 Addr=10000+100*row+Col
! Calculates channel to close
50 OUTPUT 70915; "CLOS (@ ";Addr;")"
! Closes the channel
60 NEXT Col
! Sequences through each
column in the matrix
70 NEXT Row
! Sequences through each row
in the matrix
80 END
Table 3-3. Matrix Modules Channel Numbers
Matrix Module Rows (rr) Columns (cc)
E1465A 16 x 16 Relay Matrix 00 - 15 00 - 15
E1466A 4 x 64 Relay Matrix 00 - 03 00 - 63
E1467A 8 x 32 Relay Matrix 00 - 07 00 - 31