Matrix Modules Command Reference 61Chapter 4
OUTPut[:STATe]? queries the present state of the E1406A Command
Module "Trig Out" port. The command returns "1" if the port is enabled
or "0" if the port is disabled. This command functions the same as
Example Query "Trig Out" Port Enable State
This example enables the E1406A Command Module "Trig Out" port and
queries the enable state. OUTPut[:STATe]? returns "1" since the port is
! Enable "Trig Out" port
! Query port enable state
OUTPut:TTLTrgn[:STATe] <mode> selects and enables which TTL Trigger
bus line (0 to 7) will output a trigger when a channel is closed during a scan.
This is also used to disable a selected TTL Trigger bus line. "n" specifies the
TTL Trigger bus line (0 to 7) and <mode> enables (ON or 1) or disables
(OFF or 0) the specified TTL Trigger bus line.
Comments Enabling TTL Trigger Bus: When enabled, a pulse is output from the selected
TTL Trigger bus line (0 to 7) after each channel in the switchbox is closed
during a scan. If disabled, a pulse is not output. The output is a
negative-going pulse.
One Output Selected at a Time: Only one output (TTLTrg or EXTernal) can be
enabled at one time. Enabling a different output source will automatically
disable the active output. For example, if TTLTrg1 is the active output and
TTLTrg4 is enabled, TTLTrg1 will become disabled and TTLTrg4 will
become the active output.
Related Commands: [ROUTe:]SCAN, TRIGger:SOURce,
*RST Condition: OUTPut:TTLTrgn[:STATe] OFF (disabled)
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
n numeric 0 to 7 N/A
ON | OFF | 1 | 0 OFF | 0