In case the company uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet, check Use
proxy and then click Proxy Settings to configure the proxy settings. For more
information, please refer to “Managing Proxies” (p. 176)
23.2.2. Configuring Automatic Update
To configure the updateprocess performed automatically by AcronisAntiVirus 2010,
use the options in the Automatic Update Settings category.
You can specify the number of hours between two consecutive checks for updates
in the Update every field. By default, the update time interval is set to 1 hour.
To specify how the automatic update process should be performed, select one of
the following options:
● Silent update - AcronisAntiVirus 2010 automatically downloads and implements
the update.
● Prompt before downloading updates - every time an update is available, you
will be prompted before downloading it.
● Prompt before installing updates - every time an update was downloaded,
you will be prompted before installing it.
23.2.3. Configuring Manual Update
To specify how the manual update (update by user request) should be performed,
select one of the following options in the Manual Update Settings category:
● Silent update - the manual update will be performed automatically in the
background, without user intervention.
● Prompt before downloading updates - every time an update is available, you
will be prompted before downloading it.
23.2.4. Configuring Advanced Settings
To prevent the Acronis update process from interfering with your work, configure
the options in the Advanced Settings category:
● Wait for reboot, instead of prompting - If an update requires a reboot, the
product will keep working with the old files until the system is rebooting. The user
will not be prompted for rebooting, therefore the Acronis AntiVirus 2010 update
process will not interfere with the user’s work.
● Don't update if scan is in progress - Acronis AntiVirus 2010 will not update if
a scan process is running. This way, the Acronis AntiVirus 2010 update process
will not interfere with the scan tasks.
If Acronis AntiVirus 2010 is updated while a scan is in progress, the scan process
will be aborted.