Allows you to remove a PC from the network.
● Set a settings password on a remote PC
Allows you to create a password to restrict access to Acronis settings on this PC.
● Run an on-demand scan task
Allows you to run an on-demand scan on the remote computer. You can perform
any of the following scan tasks: My Documents Scan, SystemScan or Deep System
● Fix all issues on this PC
Allows you to fix the issues that are affecting the security of this computer by
following the Fix All Issues wizard.
● View History/Events
Allows you access to the History&Events module of the Acronis product installed
on this computer.
● Update Now
Initiates the Update process for the Acronis product installed on this computer.
● Set as Update Server for this network
Allows you to set this computer as update server for all Acronis products installed
on the computers in this network. Using this option will reduce internet traffic,
because only one computer in the network will connect to the internet to download
Before running a task on a specific computer, you will be prompted to provide the
local home management password.
Enter Password
Type the home management password and click OK.
If you planto runseveral tasks, youmight wantto selectDon't show this message
again this session. By selecting this option, you will not be prompted again for this
password during the current session.
Home Network