Automated Installation Routine Wizard
Note: If it has been completed or exited and therefore does not
display, the Automated Installation Routine Wizard can be re-activated;
however, this requires that factory defaults be restored on the TV(s).
Refer to Reference section, “Restoring Factory Defaults on the TV(s),”
for further information.
Note: If you plan to create a Master TV Setup using the procedure on pages 14 to 17, be sure to
exit the Automated Installation Routine Wizard in order to avoid setting modes that may restrict the
custom setup procedure.
Note: If any of the conguration steps fails, you will see an “Incomplete” screen with an indication of
the failure. You will then have the opportunity to reinitiate the current conguration process, select
another conguration method (for example to select Pro:Centric Manual instead of Auto conguration),
or exit the Automated Installation Routine Wizard.
Caution: Do NOT unplug the TV power cord or remove the antenna cable during any of
the conguration processes, as doing so will interrupt the current step and may corrupt
the conguration data.
To exit the Automated Installation Routine Wizard, use the Up/Down arrow keys on the Installer
Remote to select/highlight Exit. Then, press OK.
Pro:Centric Auto Conguration
When selected, this option enables the TV to use a search algorithm to automatically determine the
type of Pro:Centric network, the Data Channel, and the Pro:Centric Application Mode. The TV then
looks for the Pro:Centric application and maintenance (E-Z Installation) les to download.
Note: If you intend to use the Pro:Centric server for remote management only of E-Z Installation
(splash screen, configuration, or firmware) data downloads, use the “Pro:Centric Manual” option
described on the following page.
The Automated Installation Routine Wizard will appear on
the screen each time the TV is turned ON, until one of its
conguration methods has been completed or the wizard is
exited. The wizard’s Welcome screen provides a selection of
conguration methods: Auto or Manual options for conguring
essential items for Pro:Centric operation and also an option
for using a USB memory device to congure the TV for FTG
Mode via CPU. This section describes each of the Automated
Installation Routine Wizard options.
Pro:Centric Manual
Please select configuration method.
USB Configuration
Use the Up/Down arrow keys on the Installer Remote to select/
highlight Pro:Centric Auto from the Automated Installation
Routine Wizard Welcome screen. Then, press OK.
The Pro:Centric Auto Conguration will proceed with a series of
automated steps to congure the TV for Pro:Centric operation
and to download the Pro:Centric application and E-Z Installation
data. The Auto Conguration screen (see example at right)
shows overall progress, as well as the progress and/or values
for each of the individual installation steps. Note that some steps
may require up to 15 minutes.
When the Pro:Centric Auto Conguration is complete, the wizard
exits, and the TV will turn OFF.
Auto Configuration
Processing Pro:Centric Configuration.
Step 2 may take up to 15 min(s).
Please wait...
Step 1 Detecting the type of Pro:Centric network
Step 2 Locating the Pro:Centric Server
Step 3 Determining the Pro:Centric mode
Step 4 Downloading the application files
Step 5 Downloading the maintenance files
Step 6 Saving the Pro:Centric confiugration
Warning - Do not remove AC power or the signal cables during these steps
In Progress
Pro:Centric Auto