Consumer Service: 1.800.453.7673
Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of this walker.
Keep instructions for future use.
HHooww ttoo KKeeeepp YYoouurr CChhiilldd SSaaffee WWhhiillee UUssiinngg tthhiiss PPrroodduucctt
leave child unattended. Always keep child in view while
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: TTooyyss iinntteennddeedd ttoo bbee aasssseemmbblleedd bbyy aadduulltt!!
• Avoid serious injury or death. Block stairs/steps securely before using this walker.
• Use only on flat surfaces free of objects that could cause this walker to tip over.
Never use near stairs, steps, thresholds, hills, roadways, or pools.
• To avoid burns, keep child away from hot liquids, stoves, radiators, space heaters,
fireplaces, etc.
• Discontinue using this walker should it become damaged or broken.
• Never carry this walker with child in it. Never adjust seat while child is in product.
lift or carry by tray or toys.
use this walker until baby can sit up unassisted.
• To reduce the chance of child slipping out of seat, check that both feet of child
touch the floor.
• Discontinue use of activity walker (seated stage) if child can climb out or walk
OOnnllyy uussee tthhiiss aaccttiivviittyy wwaallkkeerr ((sseeaatteedd ssttaaggee)) iiff yyoouurr cchhiilldd MMEEEETTSS AALLLL ooff tthhee
rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss bbeellooww::
1. Can support body weight with legs
2. Weight is between 15 and 26 pounds (6.8 and 11.8 kgs)
3. Height is less than 32 inches (80 cms)
• To maintain stopping performance, clean friction strips regularly with damp cloth.
FFCCCC SSttaatteemmeenntt ((UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess OOnnllyy))
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful inter-
ference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
Continued on next page
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