Removing the Spare Tire and Tools
The jacking equipment you’ll need is stored along the
driver’s side inner rear quarter panel. In some cases, you
may have to remove the spare tire in order to reach the
jack. Your vehicle is also equipped with work gloves
and a plastic ground mat to assist in the changing of
a flat tire.
1. To remove your jack
cover, pull up on the
latch(es) on the cover.
Remove the wheel
blocks, jack and
wheel wrench.
The following instructions explain how to remove the
spare tire, depending on where it is mounted on your
vehicle. See “Compact SpareTire” later in this section
for more information about the compact spare.
Never remove or restow a tire from/to a stowage
position under the vehicle while the vehicle is
supported by a jack. Always tighten the tire fully
against the underside of the vehicle when restowing.
2. To remove the
spare, insert the
chisel end of the wheel
wrench, on an angle,
into the hoist shaft hole
in the rear bumper.
Be sure the chisel end
of the wheel wrench
connects into the
hoist shaft.