
Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
6.2.6 Connectivity Check (Ping-check) Commands
Use these commands to have an interface regularly check the connection to the gateway you
specified to make sure it is still available. You specify how often the interface checks the connection,
how long to wait for a response before the attempt is a failure, and how many consecutive failures
are required before the ZyWALL stops routing to the gateway. The ZyWALL resumes routing to the
gateway the first time the gateway passes the connectivity check.
This table lists the ping-check commands
Table 21 interface Commands: Ping Check
show ping-check [interface_name | status] Displays information about ping check settings for the specified
interface or for all interfaces.
status: displays the current connectivity check status for any
interfaces upon which it is activated.
[no] connectivity-check continuous-log
Use this command to have the ZyWALL logs connectivity check
result continuously. The no command disables the setting.
show connectivity-check continuous-log status Displays the continuous log setting about connectivity check.
interface interface_name Enters sub-command mode.
[no] ping-check activate Enables ping check for the specified interface. The
no command
disables ping check for the specified interface.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check; you can
specify a fully-qualified domain name, IP address, or the default
gateway for the interface.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} period <5..30>
Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check and sets the
number of seconds between each ping check.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} timeout <1..10>
Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check and sets the
number of seconds the ZyWALL waits for a response.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} fail-tolerance <1..10>
Specifies what the ZyWALL pings for the ping check and sets the
number of times the ZyWALL times out before it stops routing
through the specified interface.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} method {icmp | tcp}
Sets how the ZyWALL checks the connection to the gateway.
icmp: ping the gateway you specify to make sure it is still available.
tcp: perform a TCP handshake with the gateway you specify to
make sure it is still available.
ping-check {domain_name | ip | default-
gateway} port <1..65535>
Specifies the port number to use for a TCP connectivity check.