
Chapter 24 Anti-Spam
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
24.3 Anti-Spam Statistics
The following table describes the commands for collecting and displaying anti-spam statistics. You
must use the
configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use
these commands.
24.3.1 Anti-Spam Statistics Example
This example shows how to collect anti-spam statistics and display a summary.
Table 123 Commands for Anti-spam Statistics
[no] anti-spam statistics collect Turn the collection of anti-spam statistics on or off.
anti-spam statistics flush Clears the collected statistics.
show anti-spam statistics summary Displays an overview of the collected statistics.
show anti-spam statistics collect Displays whether the collection of anti-spam statistics is turned on or off.
show anti-spam statistics ranking
{source | mail-address}
Query and sort the anti-spam statistics entries by source IP address or mail
source: lists the source IP addresses of the most spam.
mail-address: lists the most common source mail address for spam.
show anti-spam ip-reputation
Displays the mail sender IP reputation checking statistics.
show anti-spam mail-scan
Displays the mail scan statistics.
Router(config)# anti-spam statistics collect
Router(config)# show anti-spam statistics collect
collect statistics: yes
collect statistics time: since 2008-03-11 07:16:01 to 2008-03-11 07:16:13
Router(config)# show anti-spam statistics summary
total mails scanned: 0
total clear mails: 0
clear mail by whitelist: 0
total spam mails: 0
spam detected by blacklist: 0
spam detected by ip reputation: 0
spam detected by mail content: 0
spam detected by dnsbl: 0
spam detected with virus: 0
total virus mails: 0
dnsbl timeout: 0
mail session forwarded: 0
mail session dropped: 0