Control Panel LCD Display
10/21/05 S4M User Guide 13290L-001 Rev. A
(ZPL, EPL, APL-D modes)
Hex Dump
The hexadecimal dump mode is a troubleshooting tool for checking the
interconnection between the printer and the host computer. When
YES is
selected, all data sent from the host computer to the printer prints as
straight ASCII characters, with the hexadecimal value below the ASCII
text. The printer prints all characters received, including control codes,
such as
CR (carriage return). A sample printout is shown in
Communications Diagnostics Test on page 103.
Selections: NO, YES
Default Value: NO
To modify this parameter:
• Press the up or down arrow to scroll through the selections.
Set RTC (Real-time clock) Date
If RTC is installed, this parameter allows you to set the RTC date.
Note • The printer saves the RTC date immediately.
To modify this parameter:
1. Press ENTER.
The printer displays the current RTC date.
2. Modify the values as follows:
• Press the right arrow to move to the next digit position.
• To increase the value, press the up arrow.
• To decrease the value, press the down arrow.
3. Press ENTER to accept the value shown.
Set RTC (Real-time clock) Time
If RTC is installed, this parameter allows you to set the RTC time.
Note • The printer saves the RTC time immediately.
To modify this parameter:
1. Press ENTER.
The printer displays the current RTC time.
2. Modify the values as follows:
• Press the right arrow to move to the next digit position.
• To increase the value, press the up arrow.
• To decrease the value, press the down arrow.
3. Press ENTER to accept the value shown.
Table 11 • Printer Parameters, Level 3 (Page 5 of 9)
Parameter Explanation