Control Panel LCD Display
10/21/05 S4M User Guide 13290L-001 Rev. A
Adjust Tear-Off Position
This parameter establishes the position of the labels over the
tear-off/peel-off bar after printing. Each press of a button adjusts the tear-
off position by one dot row.
Note • The printer applies and saves the tear-off setting
immediately. Exiting Setup mode without saving changes does not
restore the previous value.
Range (ZPL, EPL, APL-I): -120 to +120
Default Value (ZPL, EPL, APL-I): 0
Range (APL-D): +00i to +999i (inches), 0m to 2537m (metric)
Default Value (APL-D): +128i
Note • The APL-D default value does not position the label over
the tear-off/peel-off bar. This is done to work with existing DPL
label formats that account for this positioning.
To modify this parameter:
• Press the up arrow to increase value.
• Press the down arrow to decrease value.
(ZPL, EPL, and APL-D
(APL-I mode only)
Adjust Label Top Position
The label top position adjusts the print position vertically on the label.
Positive numbers adjust the label top position farther down the label (away
from the printhead), and negative numbers adjust the position up the label
(toward the printhead).
The displayed value represents dots.
Range (ZPL, EPL, and APL-I): -120 to +120
Default Value (ZPL, EPL, and APL-I): 0
Range (APL-D): -0.64i to 0.64i (when printer is set to operate in inches)
Default Value (APL-D): 0
To modify this parameter:
• To increase the value, press the up arrow.
• To decrease the value, press the down arrow.
(APL-I mode only)
Adjust Label Left Position
The label left position adjusts the print position horizontally on the label.
Positive numbers move the left edge of the image toward the center of the
label by the number of dots selected while negative numbers shift the left
edge of the image toward the left edge of the label.
Range: -120 to +120
Default Value: 0
To modify this parameter:
• To increase the value, press the up arrow.
• To decrease the value, press the down arrow.
Table 10 • Printer Parameters, Password Levels 1 and 2 (Page 2 of 5)
Parameter Explanation