You can also make changes to the sequence that apply to all the data in one or more
entire measures with song jobs . Song Job operations include song copy, append and
clear, track copy, clear and mix, measure copy, erase, create, delete and insert, data thin
out, extract and chord sort, plus quantize, move clock, modify gate time, modify velocity,
transpose, shift note, and crescendo.
(For more information about song sequencing, see Song Record Mode, page 85.)
The W5/W7 has extensive stereo sound mixing capabilities, via the on-board tone
generator sound mixer, the digital effects and other Song Multi parameters. In conjunction
with specific program change, controller and other events you can record into the se-
quencer, you can even achieve an automated mixdown for your final playback output.
Sound mixing doesn t necessarily have to be a final procedure in the music making
process using the W5/W7. You can construct your mix as you go along, then fine-tune it at
the end. What s more, depending on the sound, you may want to switch into Voice Edit
Mode and tweak a few parameters in individual voices in order to make them sit better
within the context of the sounds of all tracks.
The Song Multi function screen, which displays a graphic representation of a sound
mixer, is designed to let you quickly access all functions and parameters in the multi, as
well as give you ample visual feedback as you work. This basic operating home screen, in
conjunction with the function keys [F1 ~ F8], the CURSOR keys, the JOG, INC/DEC and
the KEYPAD, give you enormous sound sculpting capabilities.
The sound mixer as displayed in the LCD screen is actually only a partial view, since
the mixer is made up of several sections, and in effect extends beyond the top of the screen!
The diagram below shows the mixer as it would appear in its entirety, complete with other
visual information in and functions accessible from the Song Multi screen.
NOTE: Pressing a TRACK button
will select the track, and automati-
cally place the cursor within that
track on the mixer. With that track
still selected, you can use CURSOR-
specify another track, so that you
can adjust parameters of another
track that s playing back from the
sequencer while you are performing
a live part.