CHORD SORT - Pressing [F8] ( Chrd ) accesses Chord
Sort, which lets you sort a cluster of notes in a specified
range of measures, in either ascending or descending
SELECT TRACKS (1 ~ 16) - Press the TRACK
buttons of the tracks on which you wish to perform
the chord sort operation.
MEASURES (001 ~ 999) - Specify the first (left
field) and last (right field) measures in the range of
measures that you wish to perform the chord sort
operation on.
TYPE (up order, down order) - Designate ascend-
ing (up order) or descending (down order) sort.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
Song Job 3 lets you perform Quantize, Move Clock, Modify
Gate Time, Modify Velocity, Transpose, Shift Note and Cre-
scendo operations.
QUANTIZE - Pressing [F1] ( Qunt ) accesses Quantize,
which lets you adjust the timing of each event in the
specified measures of the selected track to the nearest
interval of the specified value.
SELECT TRACKS (1 ~ 16) - Press the TRACK
buttons of the tracks which you wish to quantize.
MEASURES (001 ~ 999) - Specify the first (left
field) and last (right field) measures in the range of
measures that you wish to quantize.
( / / / / / / / / ) - Specify
the timing interval to which the notes will be
quantized. For example, if the shortest note value
should be a 16th note, then specify the 16th note
RATE - Designate swing rate by delaying the
timing of the offbeat according to the quantization
/ / / (50% ~ 75%)
/ / (66% ~ 83%)
/ (50% ~ 66%)
VELOCITY (1% ~ 200%)- Designate swing by
increasing or decreasing the velocity of the offbeat
value, where 100% represents no velocity change.
GATE (1% ~ 200%) - Designate swing by
increasing or decreasing the gate time of the offbeat
value, where 100% represents no gate time change.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.