Single-finger minor, seventh, and minor-seventh chords can be played
as follows:
• For a minor chord, press the root key and a black
key to its left.
• For a seventh chord, press the root key and a
white key to its left.
• For a minor-seventh chord, press the root key and
both a white and black key to its left.
Auto Bass Chord (ABC)
● Fingered Accompaniment
As soon as you play any chord on the lower keyboard (up to the split
point — normally the F#2 key), the Clavinova will automatically be-
gin to play the chord along with the rhythm and an appropriate bass
line. The name of the detected chord will appear on the display. “*”
will appear if the chord is not recognizable by the CVP-79A/69/69A/
The Clavinova will accept the following chord types in the Fingered
Accompaniment mode:
• The automatic accompaniment will
sometimes not change when related
chords are played in sequence (e.g.
some minor chords followed by the
minor seventh).
• Major
• Sixth [6]
• Major seventh [M7]
• Major seventh flatted fifth [M7(b5)]
• Major seventh sharp eleventh [M7(#11)]
• Added ninth [add9]
• Major seventh ninth [M7(9)]
• Six ninth [6(9)]
• Flatted fifth [(b5)]
• Augmented [aug]
• Seventh augmented [7(#5)]
• Major seventh augmented [M7(#5)]
• Minor [m]
• Minor sixth [m6]
• Minor seventh [m7]
• Minor seventh flatted fifth [m7(b5)]
• Minor added ninth [madd9]
• Minor seventh ninth [m7(9)]
• Minor seventh eleventh [m7(11)]
• Minor major seventh flatted fifth [mM7(b5)]
• Minor major seventh [mM7]
• Minor major seventh ninth [mM7(9)]
• Minor flatted fifth [m(b5)]
• Diminished seventh [dim7]
• Seventh [7]
• Seventh suspended fourth [7sus4]
• Seventh ninth [7(9)]
• Seventh sharp eleventh [7(#11)]
• Seventh added thirteenth [7(13)]
• Seventh flatted fifth [7(b5)]
• Seventh flatted ninth [7(b9)]
• Seventh added flatted thirteenth [7(b13)]
• Seventh sharp ninth [7(#9)]
• Suspended fourth [sus4]
* A Fingering Chart is provided on page 123.
“On-bass” chords are also recognized. Two-note fingerings will pro-
duce a chord based on the previous chord.
“No chord” (i.e. rhythm only accompaniment) can be produced by
pressing any three consecutive keys (ex. C,C#,D) simultaneously.
“- - -” will appear instead of a chord name.