The Utility Functions
■ SAVE ...............................................................................................................................
If you select SAVE the name entry display will appear and you will
have to enter a name for the file to be saved.
An “empty” name appears in the upper right corner of the display.
Use the > LCD button to position the underline cursor where you want
to enter a character (file names can be up to 12 characters in length). Use
the data dial and/or the [+]/[–] buttons to select the character you want to
enter from the list in the center of the display, then press the c.set LCD
button to enter the character at the current cursor position. Repeat this
procedure until your name is complete. The c.del LCD button can be
used to back up one space and delete a character.
When the name is complete press the SAVE LCD button to save the
file with the name just entered, or CANCEL to abort.
If you enter a name that already exists on the disk, the “Same
name! Overwrite?” alert will appear. In this case press OK if it’s
OK to overwrite the original file with the new file, or CANCEL to abort
the save operation.
■ RENAME .....................................................................................................................
If you select RENAME, first use the FILE ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons to
select the file you want to rename, then press the START LCD button to
go to the name entry display. Enter a new file name in the same way as
described for SAVE, above, then press the OK LCD button to rename the
file with the name just entered, or CANCEL to abort. If you enter a name
that already exists on the disk, the “Same name! Overwrite?”
alert will appear. In this case press OK if it’s OK to overwrite the origi-
nal file with the renamed file, or CANCEL to abort the rename operation.