Signal flow for input channels
LS9-16/32 Owner’s Manual
This assigns input signals to the input channels.
● ø (phase)
Switches the phase of the input signal.
● HPF (High Pass Filter)
This is a high pass filter that cuts the region below the
specified frequency.
● ATT (attenuator)
Attenuates/boosts the level of the input signal.
● 4 BAND EQ (4 band equalizer)
A parametric EQ with four bands; HIGH, HIGH MID,
This is a dynamics processor that can be used as a gating,
ducking, expander, or compressor.
This is a dynamics processor that can be used as a com-
pressor, compander, or de-esser.
Adjusts the input level of the input channel.
● ON (on/off)
Turns the input channel on/off. If this is off, the corre-
sponding channel is muted.
This adjusts the panning of the signal sent from the
INPUT channel to the STEREO bus. If necessary, this pan
setting can also be applied to signals sent to two MIX
buses that are assigned as stereo.
On ST IN channels, the BALANCE is used instead of
PAN. The BALANCE adjusts the volume balance of the
left/right signals sent from the ST IN channel to the STE-
REO bus. If necessary, you can also apply this balance set-
ting to the signal sent to two MIX buses that are assigned
as stereo.
● LCR (Left/Center/Right)
This sends the signal of the input channel to the STEREO
bus / MONO bus as a three-channel signal that adds a C
(Center) channel to the L/R channels.
● TO MIX ON/OFF MIX (MIX send on/off)
This is an on/off switch for the signal sent from the input
channel to MIX buses 1–16.
There are two types of MIX buses; FIXED types whose
send level is fixed, and VARI types whose send level can
be adjusted. You can switch between FIXED type and
VARI type in sets of two adjacent odd-numbered/even-
numbered MIX buses. (For details, refer to → p. 213)
● TO MIX LEVEL 1-16 (MIX send level 1–16)
This adjusts the send level of the signal sent from the input
channel to VARI type MIX buses 1–16. The signal sent to
VARI type MIX buses can be taken from pre-EQ, pre-
fader, or post-[ON] key as desired. The signal sent to
FIXED type MIX buses is taken pre-pan if the MIX bus is
monaural, or post-pan if the MIX bus is stereo.
● INSERT (INPUT channels 1–32 only)
This lets you patch the desired output/input ports in order
to insert an effect processor or other external device (→
p. 101). The insert-out/insert-in position can be switched
between pre-EQ and pre-fader.
● DIRECT OUT (INPUT channels only)
This lets you patch the desired output port in order to out-
put the input signal directly (→ p. 103). The direct out sig-
nal can be taken from pre-HPF, pre-EQ, or pre-fader.
This meters the level of the input channel. You can switch
the position at which the level is detected.