Basic settings for MIX buses and MATRIX buses
LS9-16/32 Owner’s Manual
For two adjacent odd-numbered/even-numbered
buses, this selects the position from which the signal
will be sent from the input channel. You can also
switch the MIX bus type (VARI or FIXED) here.
This specifies whether the panning at which the signal
is sent from an input channel to the stereo bus will be
linked with the TO ST PAN setting.
Use the buttons in the SIGNAL TYPE field to
specify for each two adjacent odd-num-
bered/even-numbered MIX buses whether
they will function as STEREO (main param-
eters linked for the two MIX channels) or
MONO × 2 (used as two monaural chan-
Use the buttons of the BUS TYPE / SEND
POINT field to select the position from
which the signal of the input channel will be
In this field you can switch the MIX bus type (VARI or
FIXED). The following items can be selected for each
The MIX bus will be a VARI type (adjustable send
level). Choose this if you want to use the MIX bus as
an external effect send or as a foldback output. If the
MIX send point of the input channel is set to PRE, the
signal will be sent from immediately before the EQ
The MIX bus will be a VARI type. Choose this if you
want to use the MIX bus as an external effect send or
as a foldback output. If the MIX send point of the
input channel is set to PRE, the signal will be sent
from immediately before the fader.
The MIX bus will be a FIXED type (send level is fixed
at nominal level = 0.0 dB).
Choose this if you want to use the MIX bus as a group
output or as a bus output for recording on a multitrack
recorder. If the bus is set to MONO, the signal will be
sent from immediately before the pan/balance of the
input channel; if the bus is set to STEREO, the signal
will be sent from immediately after the pan/balance.
As desired, turn the buttons of the PAN
LINK field on/off.
For two MIX buses whose SIGNAL TYPE = STE-
REO and BUS TYPE = VARI, the PAN LINK button
is displayed in this position.
This button specifies whether the panning at which the
signal is sent from an input channel to the stereo MIX
bus will be linked with the TO ST PAN setting.
● If the PAN LINK button is on
The PAN knob that appears in the location of the TO
MIX SEND LEVEL knob of the input channel’s
SELECTED CH VIEW screen when the send-destina-
tion MIX bus is stereo will be linked with the TO ST
PAN (BAL) knob.
● If the PAN LINK button is off
The PAN (BALANCE) knob displayed in the position
of the TO MIX SEND LEVEL knob in the input chan-
nel SELECTED CH VIEW screen can be operated
independently of the TO ST PAN (BAL) knob.
To close the popup window and return to
the SYSTEM SETUP screen, move the cur-
sor to the CLOSE button (or the × symbol in
the upper right) and press the [ENTER] key.
To make basic settings for MATRIX buses,
move the cursor to the MATRIX button of
the BUS SETUP field and press the
[ENTER] key.
The MATRIX BUS SETUP popup window will
1 SIGNAL TYPE (Signal processing method)
This selects whether two adjacent odd-numbered/
even-numbered MATRIX buses will be used as stereo
channels whose main parameters are linked (STE-
REO) or as two monaural channels (MONO × 2).
Use the buttons in the SIGNAL TYPE field to
specify for each two adjacent odd-num-
bered/even-numbered MATRIX buses
whether they will function as STEREO
(main parameters linked for the two MATRIX
channels) or MONO × 2 (used as two mon-
aural channels).
To close the popup window and return to
the SYSTEM SETUP screen, move the cur-
sor to the CLOSE button (or the × symbol in
the upper right) and press the [ENTER] key.
•Even if you select VARI PRE EQ or VARI PRE FADER, input
channels whose MIX send position is set to POST will send
the post-fader signal to the MIX bus.
• The PAN LINK button is not displayed for MIX buses whose
SIGNAL TYPE is set to MONO × 2, or MIX buses whose BUS
TYPE is set to FIXED.