Steam Leak Around Door 1. Worn gasket. Replace gasket.
2. Drain line obstructed or not to an Clean or open drain line.
open gap drain.
3. Cold water condenser not Check solenoid valve and spray
spraying properly. nozzle for proper operation. Replace
as required.
4. Door liner needs adjustment. Lift off door liner and adjust pressure
springs to obtain uniform seal.
Heat Coming On Without Water 1. Dirty low water cut-off probes. Remove probes and clean insulator
(Dry Firing) with soft clean cloth.
2. Retention of water in probe Remove housing or housing cover
housing. and mechanically clean interior.
3. Sticking low water cut-off Replace contactor.
Pressure Gauge Not Working 1. Problem with pressure gauge. Replace pressure gauge.
2. Tubing crimped, plugged or Repair or replace tubing.
Steam Leaking Inside Unit 1. Problem with fitting or valve. Tighten or replace fitting or valve.
2. Steam pressure too high. Adjust pressure switches.