1. Problem with low water cut-off. Replace low water cut-off control.
2. Problem with pressure switch. Replace pressure switch.
3. Loose wiring. Check against diagram and tighten
4. Problem with combination control Replace valve.
valve on gas base generator.
5. Problem with pressure reducing Clean strainer on pressure reducing
valve on steam generator. valve and adjust to spec or replace.
6. Problem with pressure gauge. Replace gauge.
7. Problem with contactor on Replace contactor.
electric generator.
8. Problem with auto blow-down Replace auto blow-down control.
control on steamers so equipped.
9. Problem with heat switch. Replace heat switch.
10. Problem with heating elements. Replace heating elements.
11. Pressure control set too high and Adjust to specification. Some high
operating on back-up. input units may need to be set below
spec to compensate for overshoot.
12. Pilot not lit on gas generators. Light pilot. See lighting instructions in
this manual.
13. Generator not filling. Check fill valve and water level
14. Power/steam/gas off to steamer. Check that power, steam or gas
supply is on.
Pilot Won’t Light 1. Problem with combination control Replace combination control valve.
2. Gas leak in pilot tubing. Tighten.
3. Obstruction in gas line or Locate and remove obstruction.
combination control valve.
4. Pilot flame adjusted too small. Adjust pilot flame.
5. Thermocouple not completely Push thermocouple completely into
inserted into holder. holder.
Generator Leaks Water 1. Problem with boiler hand hole Tighten or replace gasket.
2. Problem with fitting on water or Tighten or replace fitting.
steam lines.
3. Leak at gauge glass. Replace gauge glass and seals.
Steamer Will Not Heat or Build