CS8.0 Bikes Owner’s Guide
Top Features
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Your new CS8.0 bike console is the most sophisticated exercise
computer in the fitness industry. Even the simplest operation,
Manual Control, works in a special and useful way. But the
CS8.0 console is also extremely easy to use; the user can ignore
all the fancy stuff and use it with just one or two keystrokes.
Smart Start: Intelligently picks useful workout settings — every
workout, even an advanced one, is easy to set up.
Always-available Workout Setup: Switch to this at any time in
any workout. Adjust your current workout settings, or set up a
whole new workout.
Calorie Goal: Tell the bike how many calories you want to burn
and how long you want to work out, and the bike figures out
what workloads you need to maintain — including warmup and
cool down.
Constant Heart Rate Control: The bike takes you to your target
heart rate within five to eight minutes, then keeps you there.
Interval Heart Rate Control: Pick both a work target HR and a
rest target HR, and the bike will take you back and forth be-
tween those two targets.
Fitness Test: An enhanced version of the YMCA protocol to
estimate maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max).
Bicycle Simulation: An accurate simulation of a 21-gear road
bike, including precise pedal cadence-to-speed response and
body weight compensation.