
Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007TVP5147M1PFP
2.12.10 Analog Output Control 2 Register
Subaddress A0 005Eh
Default B2h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Reserved Input Select [1:0] Gain [3:0]
Analog input select [1:0]: These bits are effective when manual input select bit is set to 1 at subaddress 7Fh,
bit 1.
00 = CH1 selected
01 = CH2 selected
10 = CH3 selected
11= CH4 selected (default)
Analog output PGA gain [3:0]: These bits are effective when analog output AGC is set to 1 at subaddress 7Fh,
bit 2.
Gain [3:0] Mode 1
0000 = 1.30
0001 = 1.56
0010 = (default) 1.82
0011 = 2.08
0100 = 2.34
0101 = 2.60
0110 = 2.86
0111 = 3.12
0000 = 3.38
0001 = 3.64
0010 = 3.90
0011 = 4.16
0100 = 4.42
0101 = 4.68
0110 = 4.94
0111 = 5.20
2.12.11 Interrupt Configuration Register
Subaddress B0 0060h
Default 00h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Polarity Reserved
Polarity: Interrupt terminal polarity
0 = Active high (default)
1 = Active low