Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007 TVP5147M1PFP
2.11.81 FIFO Read Data Register
Subaddress E2h
Read only
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FIFO read data [7:0]
FIFO read data [7:0]: This register is provided to access VBI FIFO data through the I
C interface. All forms
of teletext data come directly from the FIFO, while all other forms of VBI data can be programmed to come
from registers or from the FIFO. If the host port is to be used to read data from the FIFO, then bit 0 (host access
enable) in the VDP FIFO output control register at subaddress C0h must be set to 1 (see Section 2.11.71).
2.11.82 VBUS Address Access Register
Subaddress E8h E9h EAh
Default 00h 00h 00h
Subaddress 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
E8h VBUS address [7:0]
E9h VBUS address [15:8]
EAh VBUS address [23:16]
VBUS address [23:0]: VBUS is a 24-bit wide internal bus. The user needs to program in these registers the
24-bit address of the internal register to be accessed via host port indirect access mode.
2.11.83 Interrupt Raw Status 0 Register
Subaddress F0h
Read only
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FIFO THRS: FIFO threshold passed, unmasked
0 = Not passed
1 = Passed
TTX: Teletext data available unmasked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
WSS: WSS data available unmasked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
VPS: VPS data available unmasked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
VITC: VITC data available unmasked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
CC F2: CC field 2 data available unmasked
0 = Not available
1 = Available