Restoring and Updating the EVM Hard Disk Drive
Additional Procedures A-15
7) The script will ask for confirmation: "This will destroy all data on
/dev/hda1 - are you sure?" Type yes.
8) After the HDD restore is complete, shutdown the EVM:
EVM # halt
9) When the "Power down" message is printed in the terminal window,
it is safe to power down the EVM.
10) Restart the EVM and configure U-Boot to root mount via the local
HDD. Follow the steps in Section A.4.1, Booting from Flash Using the
EVM’s Hard Drive File System.
A.6.5 Restoring From Host Linux Workstation File System
This section assumes that you have installed the DVEVM software to the
host Linux /workdir/filesys/restore directory. After an NFS mount, this is
equivalent to /restore for the target EVM.
Follow these steps to restore the HDD from the host Linux workstation
restore directory:
1) On your host workstation, copy the restore directory from the TI
DVSDK disk to /home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys/restore. After NFS
mounting this file system, this will appear as the /restore directory on
the EVM.
2) Login to the EVM as root.