Running the Demos from the Command Line
3) Move to the appropriate directory on the target using the following
command. (See Section 4.1.1 for the meanings of command prompts
shown in this document.)
Target $ cd /opt/dvsdk/dm6446
4) Before running demo applications from the command line, the CMEM
and accelerator kernel modules must be loaded.
■ Use "lsmod" to see if they are loaded. You should see output
similar to the following:
Target $ lsmod
Module Size Used by
dsplinkk 98220 0
cmemk 20072 0
■ If they are not loaded, use the following commands to load these
Target $ ./loadmodules.sh
5) If a standalone demo is running, kill that process. You can do this by
pressing the Power button on the remote from the main menu. Or,
use the following commands:
Target $ killall -9 interface
6) To see the command-line options for the demos, use one of the
following commands with the -h or --help option:
Target $ ./encodedecode -h
Target $ ./encode -h
Target $ ./decode -h
7) To stop a demo, press Ctrl+C at the command line or press the Stop
button on the remote.
You can also find the list of command-line options in encode.txt,
decode.txt, and encodedecode.txt in the respective demo directories of
the DVSDK package on the host.
Note: When you run loadmodules.sh, you may see warnings about
the kernel being tainted by cmemk and dsplinkk. You can ignore
these warnings. They occur because DSP/BIOS Link does not use
the kernel build system and is not under the same license as the
kernel itself.