Addresses and Reset Values
A.1 Addresses and Reset Values
The following tables list the ’C2xx registers, the addresses at which they can
be accessed, and their reset values. Note that the registers mapped to internal
I/O space on the ’C209 are at addresses different from those of other ’C2xx
devices. In addition, the ’C209 wait-state generator control register has a dif-
ferent reset value because there are only four control bits in the register.
Table A–1. Reset Values of the Status Registers
Name Reset Value (Binary) Description
ST0 XXX0 X11X XXXX XXXX Status register 0
ST1 XXX0 X111 1111 1100 Status register 1
Notes: 1) No addresses are given for ST0 and ST1 because they can be accessed only by the CLRC, SETC, LST, and SST
2) X: Reset does not affect these bits.
Table A–2. Addresses and Reset Values of On-Chip Registers Mapped to Data Space
Name Data-Memory Address Reset Value Description
IMR 0004h 0000h Interrupt mask register
GREG 0005h 0000h Interrupt control register
IFR 0006h 0000h Synchronous data transmit and receive register
Note: An x in an address represents four bits that are either not affected by reset or dependent on pin levels at reset.
Table A–3. Addresses and Reset Values of On-Chip Registers Mapped to
I/O Space
I/O Address
Name ’C209 Other ’C2xx Reset Value Description
– FFE8h 0000h CLKOUT1-pin control (CLK) register
ICR – FFECh 0000h Interrupt control register
SDTR – FFF0h xxxxh Synchronous data transmit and receive register
SSPCR – FFF1h 0030h Synchronous serial port control register
ADTR – FFF4h xxxxh Asynchronous data transmit and receive register
ASPCR – FFF5h 0000h Asynchronous serial port control register
Note: An x in an address represents four bits that are either not affected by reset or dependent on pin levels at reset.